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Reflection Fall 2021

Reflection Fall 2021

I think that DigiSpace as a whole went okay this semester. I did get the chance to include my nutrition midterm into my ePortfolio, which has valuable information for people in my major or into fitness and health in general. It was definitely difficult to transition for the online schooling to almost fully in person again. I think I’ve learned a lot about myself personally, but also think I need to explore myself more as well. I’ve learned from this summer and my weekend away that I love travelling and would like to continue it, and I have more passions like horseback riding that I want to look into.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

I think that I am going continue with the idea of photography, but I want to include my major more into it. I’m not sure exactly how to accomplish this as I am an applied exercise science major. There’s a possibility of doing something like the video done in my Motor Learning Class, where I clean it up from the one that I turned in with my group mates and make it more my own. The video was on the regulatory ques of throwing a lacrosse ball and how they are adjusted for new learners.

Kidney Dissection

Kidney Dissection

The hands-on learning that we have at UNE is amazing! We were able to dissect these cow kidneys, which were extremely large. Within the kidney, they were color coded for us to understand and help find different structures. The yellow is where urine is stored, the blue are veins, and the red are arteries. We had a large sheet which told us where all of the structures would be, and we were able to work in teams of two in order to identify everything!

Start of Fall 2021

Start of Fall 2021

The training for tutors went very well today. There was a great presentation on reading, and why reading in college is so difficult for students. There is a very big distinction between reading for pleasure and reading for academic purposes. It was a discussion on reading strategies and how we can incorporate them into our tutoring structure to better help students.

Specifically for DigiSpace, we can help students set up their ePortfolio in a way that is visually appealing where there is not too much going on, but all of the content is there, and organized so that anyone navigating their site knows where to go. In order to do this, there needs to be a large emphasis on the Heading and drop down menus, as well as using the categories and tags to better focus topics into one area. Another issue talked about was annotation, and how we have the ability on ePortfolio to embed links into words, so we can link articles to ideas, and definitions to words not in everyday vocabulary.

I think this presentation will help in the way that I approach students and help them. Before this experience, I focused more on students getting their ideas down and being able to learn how to upload it quickly, but now I know that there should be a focus on their ability to find their ideas and organize them in a way that they, and their professors, can get to everything that they need to.

Finals Reflection: Spring 2021

Finals Reflection: Spring 2021

Looking back on the semester as a whole, I am happy with what I have accomplished. I reread my midterm reflection and realized that although I didn’t get to everything on my list, I did a lot.

My first project for ePortfolio ended up needing some more TLC than I had originally thought, and I have been going back to the video to edit it more and really show off my skills that I have created using video editors. So, although I did not get to start a second project, I think that fine tuning the one I have created was a better use of my time.

I’ve found that the video editor on the HP computer that I have is wonderful for editing videos and very easy to use. I had watched the iMovie training videos during the semester, and the program on my laptop is very similar to it. I was able to edit out parts that didn’t serve a purpose and shave some time down on the video thankfully.

As for everything else hectic going on – we had a pause on our season in the beginning because of the entire school, and unfortunately the last two weeks for season were taken away due to a false positive covid test. It was a very unfortunate way to go and have our season end, and I feel for the seniors who I looked up to so much. I’m happy for the time that I’ve had with the team and look forward to next year. I’m also hoping to involve the team in a project, but I’m not sure how they would fit in as I still really want to use my photography as well.

Sheep’s brain

Sheep’s brain

Peeling the dura mater off

Anatomy lab was definitely interesting this week. We dissected sheep brains! It was fun to have some hands-on experience in lab, especially coming out of quarantine.

We went through the dissection following step by step guide, and learning how the actual anatomy looks as sheep brain are very similar to human brain.

I didn’t get a picture of it, but we split the brain in half down the longitudinal fissure that separates the left and right hemispheres. We were then able to look at the corpus callosum, thalamus, hypothalamus, ventricles, and more!



A couple weeks ago during Anatomy and Physiology, we looked at different tissue types during lab. This was a really cool, and we learned how to identify the different parts of the tissues that we looked at as well!

Organic Chemistry: Subject Material

Organic Chemistry: Subject Material

Last semester I learned a lot in organic chemistry. The most valuable thing I believe we did in class was the poster and presentation for the lab final.

We worked in teams of six for the experiment, and our final product was a poster that everyone understood and could explain in detail. We had a class presenation where all six of us spoke on a certain part of the lab, and then a final presentation in which we recorded ourselves speaking and turned it in for individual assessment.

This is the final poster presentation, in which we found that the electrophile Iodoethane produced the greatest percent yield due to it having the least amount of steric effects. This is because the other electrophiles had larger carbon chains.

Below is a link to the video explaining our project of the Steric Effects of the Electrophile in the SN2 Reaction of Saccharin Alkylation. It goes into detail about the project, and highlights each section on the poster.

University Organic Chemistry

University Organic Chemistry

This was by far my hardest class this semester. It was extremely difficult because it is not all like any class I have taken before.

It’s not about memorizing specific things, but overall trends so that we can answer any question by problem solving with what we know. I struggled with this not only because of the change from different classes, but also because I have never had to work this hard for a class before.

I loved the class when I knew what I was doing, but got so frustrated when I didn’t. I loved the labs and felt accomplished when I did them right, yet I was so nervous to start them.

See, I learned a lot of content, as well as life skills in this class. Being someone who gets frustrated when I don’t get things on the first try was not helping me. Neither was being someone who gave up. This class, like experiments, are all trial and error.

Chemists don’t give up when their experiements go wrong – it is a happy failure. This is more than just a way to look at chemistry. It’s a way to look at life as a whole. When things don’t go the way I plan in life, I find a new way around it. This is something that I’ve learned I need to push myself to do within my school work, which has been mainly started and progressed within this class.
