STAC Women’s Lacrosse

STAC Women’s Lacrosse

One of the main reasons I chose STAC was to be on the lacrosse team. I wanted to get away from home, but I was worried I wouldn’t have anyone to fall back on – and that I wasn’t going to make friends as I was starting new, completely on my own.

But I wasn’t completely alone. I had my lacrosse team, even if I wasn’t close to them. We were together almost 24/7 due to our strict schedules – as I had mentioned before, Division 2 took everything seriously.

During the fall semester, we had practice from 7AM-8AM in the morning. The rule of being at the field 15 minutes before practice meant that I was up at 5:45 and out the door by 6:15 three days a week. I would go to practice, go to 4 classes back to back, shower, do homework, and go to sleep.

The other two days were spent lifting in the afternoon, after classes, with our strength and conditioning coach.

The spring semester brought more challenges. During the long three weeks of preseason, we had double practices 6 days a week. Conditioning would be taken care of in the morning, doing different running styles in the gym. After classes we would have practice, which involved a lot more running than lacrosse.
