Trials and Tribulations of Transferring

Trials and Tribulations of Transferring

While at STAC, I had made a group of friends that I experienced some pretty big highs and lows with. I had my set people, all of which came from different backgrounds, that I relied on.

They knew that I wasn’t happy at STAC, but they also didn’t want to let me go. My best friends there said that they were going to support me no matter what I decided. Right before the Corona Virus shut down the college, we were all hanging out and I had told them all that I had decided to stay.

I went back home, finished the semester, and focused on my family and working. However, I couldn’t get the feeling out of my stomach that I was making the wrong choice by going back. I already had my roommate situation set up, everyone believed I was coming, but I just didn’t feel good.

I had been looking at other colleges since February. UNE was the only school that I truly wanted to go to. So, I put my transfer application in. And I got in, and decided I wanted to come here.

But I still had some unfinished business to attend to before I could fully be happy with my decision. Telling my friends. I was so worried to tell them I was transferring because I didn’t want them to be upset at me. Yet, they weren’t when I told them. They knew I was unhappy at the college and wanted what was best for me. I still talk to them, and we facetime almost every week.

I know I’ll always have them as friends, and that it was time for me to move on to a different place. You can grow from experiences, and the true friends you meet will last a lifetime.
